Focus on Ecotourism

Wildlife, Wild Lands & People

For the last 20+ years, our Co-Founder Richard has worked with several leading wildlife organisations in East Africa, including the Born Free Foundation in Kenya, the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund in Rwanda, and the Jane Goodall Institute in Tanzania. More recently, Travulous has been working with the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) as their preferred travel provider in Rwanda. Our conviction to support wildlife conservation coupled with our knowledge of East Africa was the key reason for the distinguished selection by these organisations.

Read about some these past and current partnerships here:

“The wild creatures I had come to Africa to see are exhilarating in their multitudes and colors, and I imagined for a time that this glimpse of the earth’s morning might account for the anticipation that I felt, the sense of origins, of innocence and mystery, like a marvelous childhood faculty restored”

— Peter Matthiessen, 'The Tree Where Man Was Born'